When deciding what home improvements should be made, the most important factor is maximizing the comfort of your home and saving money on your energy bills. Dollar for dollar, insulation is the number one way to save energy. If you aren’t comfortable in your home, the first thing you do is adjust the temperature which drives your energy bills up. Upgrading your home insulation will make you more comfortable, and result in spending less on utilities. Maximize the comfort in your home by contacting The Insulation Man, the top insulation installers in Southeast Michigan! We are a family-owned company that has been serving our customers for over 20 years and would love to help improve the comfort and value of your home.
Training: As the top insulation contractor in Southeast Michigan, our staff works with insulators around the country to continually sharpen installation methods and techniques. This keeps us up to date on all the latest techniques and technologies in the field.
Integrity: If you want to stay in business, your word and reputation are everything. Since 2001, The Insulation Man has been synonymous with honesty, trust, and our commitment to every single customer.
Focus: The Insulation Man does just one thing – insulation. We don’t install shingles or siding or windows. What this means to our customers is that we are completely focused on bringing you the best home insulation possible, without splitting our attention on multiple areas of expertise. Contact our team of insulation installers today!